The European Medical Students’ Association – Association Européenne des Étudiants en Médecine (EMSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation representing medical students from all across Europe.
Founded 1990 in Brussels, it gives students a voice within European Medical Organisations. The association provides a platform for high-level advocacy, projects, trainings, workshops and international meetings. Its activities gather around Medical Education, Medical Ethics and Human Rights, Health Policy, Public Health, Medical Science and European Integration and Culture.
The students of the „Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi have an opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities that are organized by EMSA Iasi and engage their colleagues at local, national and international levels.
EMSA Iasi was founded by students and for students of “Grigore T. Pope’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, UMF, in 2017. It was started by Stavroula Papaeleftheriou who was also its first President. The Co-Founders, Amata Thongphetsavong Gautam, Richard Narh-Dorh and Simon Clement registered EMSA lasi as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) on 15th of March 2019 in Iasi, Romania.
Our Objectives
EMSA Iasi operates under the framework and pillars set by EMSA EU, our parent organisation and therefore our objectives are aligned:
- Empower students to take part in European mobility and exchange programmes, and foster their intercultural understanding and compassion toward disadvantaged groups in socicty.
- Empower medical students to defend and actively promote human rights within society whilst raising awareness of ethical matters in healthcare throughout the continent.
- Empower medical students to take a role in shaping a medical education system, that promotes advances in medicine, new learning technologies, philosophy of education and interprofessional collaboration.
- Empower medical students to be key pioneers in the popularisation of a healthy and active lifestyle, preventive medicine, and health education.
- Empower medical students to raise awareness about mental health issues and health threats in society, and to encourage informed lifestyle choices.
- Empower medical students to read and publish scientific articles by enhancing their theoretical and practical skills through education and training whilst raising appreciation of medical science.
- Empower medical students to play an active role in the European advocacy of lifestyle policies and collaborate with relevant partners in the implementation of objectives related to public health.